New year, new blogger interview with Andi, the blogger of A little drop of style. A Transylvanian girl in Denmark. I thought she could inspire you, so I took the liberty to write her an email whether she wanted to answer a few questions:
- How come you started writing a blog?
- This Autumn you have started your university studies in Denmark. What do you study and what was it like to fit in?
I’m learning fashion design, but we’ll start our specialities next week.
During the first semester I learnt also from the business side, which
was really important if you want to start your own brand one day. The
integration was hard until I didn’t get friends who also understand me.
The Danish people are not as open minded for the international students.
There are also ‘clicks’. You have to be really open-minded and direct
to gain new friends in the very first days. It’s up on you.
- Did you get to know designer names that you think are well worth following?
Through our university projects, I’ve the luck to know more designers
than before. The Designers Remix is one of them. Charlotte Eskildsen is
the founder of this brand, who is also a really likeable person. I
really like the minimalism in her designs, which reflects back the
Scandinavian lifestyle and minimalism.
Also the Monki is one of my favourites, but it is more a fast fashion brand.
Also the Monki is one of my favourites, but it is more a fast fashion brand.
- Did skandinavian minimalism influence your style?
I don’t think that Scandinavia influenced my style. It is good if you
know that approximately one and a half years ago I changed my style to a
more elegant, but still sporty and minimalistic one. I got a lot of
questions at home that ‘Why are you so dark all the time?’ and ‘Who are
you mourning?’. But here - because of the Scandinavian minimalism -
everybody wears what he/she wants and they are accepting it. Everybody
has their own style. I really like the Scandinavian minimalism as much
as in the fashion and interior design also.
- What do you like the most from the SS17?
I really like the mom jeans from the SS17 collection. The truth is that
there are lots of pieces that aren't so close to me and to my style. But
I don’t think that everybody likes the same and that is more than okay.
Új év és itt egy újabb blogger interjú Andival, a A little drop of style bloggerével. Egy erdélyi lány Dániában. Úgy gondoltam, hogy sok mindenkit tudna inspirálni,ezért vettem a bátorságot és írtam egy emailt, hogy lenne-e kedve válaszolni néhány kérdésemre:
- Hogyan indult el a blogod?
- Ősszel Dániában kezdted meg egyetemi tanulmányaid. Mit tanulsz és milyen volt beilleszkedni?
- Megismerkedtél olyan dán divattervezők,designerek nevével, akikre szerinted érdemes felfigyelni?
- Hatással volt a stílusodra a skandináv minimalizmus?
- Mi az, ami a SS17 trendből abszolút kedvenced lesz?
- What is your fave place in Denmark you would recommend everybody to visit?
- What kind of advice would you give those who want to study design abroad, possibly in Denmark?
(Important: Our school has a Trend Library where you can look for the next year’s trends, materials and so on. - It is a pleasure to be there.)
If you want to follow her experiences in Denmark, or peep at her university design projects, go to her blog!:)
Sajnos még nem volt időm és lehetőségem körbeutazni Dániát. De a
félszigeten, ahol én vagyok most sok helyre eljutottam. Amit mindenképp
ajánlanék az Skagen. Ha valaki erre jár szánjon rá egy délutánt.
Garantáltan megéri. Skagen Dánia legészakibb pontja, az a hely ahol a
Balti meg az Északi tenger találkozik. A google képek nem adják vissza,
viszont egy kis ízelítőt mutat. A másik meg Aarhus és az ARoS múzeum. A
tetején 360 fokban körbe lehet ‘sétálni’ Aarhust, és ha ez nem elég,
szivárvány színű az üveg! :D- Melyik a kedvenc helyed Dániában, amit bárkinek tudnál ajánlani?
- Mit tanácsolsz azoknak, akik külfüldön, esetleg pont Dániában szeretnének design szakra jelentkezni?
(Azt azért megjegyezném, hogy ahol én járok van egy Trend Library, ahol a jövő év tredjeit, anyagmintáit stb lehet meglesni. Egy élmény ott lenni.)
Ha követnétek Dániában megélt élményeit, esetleg belekukkintanátok egyetemi projektjeibe, akkor olvassátok blogját!:)