One our way home ( from where, you will get to know in the next blogpost) we dropped in the M3 Outlet Polgar, whose dominant name shows that it is situated nex to the M3 freeway and in Polgár.
This was my first outlet centre-experience, but a disappointing one. I have heard a lot of beautiful thing about Outlet Parndorf, this is why I was so happy hearing the visit of it.But it failed to fulfil my expectations. It is true, that there are global brands, such as Adidas, Gas, Gant. But besides these there are some unfashionable, unknown stores as well. To make matters worse, not all the prices are that low. Taking my example, I wanted to buy a Converse, but its outlet price was high. The shops, the place is very upsetting, only there is free wifi.:D To my surprise, the parking lot was full, which means that people are interested. These people tend to buy mostly from sport stores.
I arrived home without shopping bags from the outlet, but I have a lot of thing to write about. So, look out in the following days, because a new blogpost is coming up!:)
Úton hazafelé (azt hogy honnan következő bejegyzésből megtudjátok) beugrottunk az M3 Polgár Outletbe, melynek árulkodó neve is mutatja, hogy az M3-as autópálya mellet, a Debrecen közeli Polgárban helyezkedik el.
Ez volt az első outlet centre-s élményem, s eléggé kiábrándító ez az élmény. Már sokat hallottam a
Én azonban üres kézzel tértem haza, de beszámolókkal. Éppen ezért álljatok résen a következő napokban, mert érkezik az új bejegyzés!:)
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